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Ids de hechizos de gmS

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Ids de hechizos de gmS Empty Ids de hechizos de gmS

Mensaje  ong Lun Oct 20, 2008 9:42 pm

Antes de nada recordad que el comando es .learn ID

16716 Lanzar ( el mas divertido para mi opinion xD)

2583 Reflec
31984 Rayo mortal
33506 Summon guards
38155 Ola de muerte
40251 ( no se pero mata )
35354 Kill area
20712 Lanzar fuego
20712 flame breath
3631 battle shout (515 attack power y 10% all stats)
17040 master hammersmith
38083 el spell mas copado que vi hasta ahora xD
35034 arcane missiles (instant)
36623 arcane shot (instant)
26134 rayo mortal
15991 aprendes polearms
30798 aprendes dual-wield
15985 aprendes two hand axes
15987 aprendes two hand maces
15983 aprendes two hand swords
1847 aprendes 1 hand swords
22433 flame buffet (overpower)
41371 reflector (todo lo q te tiran los devuelves)
32175 stormstrike (insant sin cooldown)
22479 frost breath (overpower)
38739 acid breath (overpower)
41346 poisonous throw (overpower)
31263 pyroblast (ultra overpower,5600dmg)
30633 thunder clap insant sin rage
32377 Mass Dispall
30450 Spell steal
27371 Wyvern sting
27369 Trueshot aura
27368 Aimed shot
30360 Mortal strike
25206 Demoralizing roar
30362 Bloodthirst
34923 Vampiric touch
25370 Shadow word pain
25224 Renew
25220 Power word shield
25390 Power word fortitude
25382 Mana burn
28277 Lightwell
25313 Divine spirit
27379 Fire blast
33942 Dragons breathe
33935 Blast wave
32435 Unstable affliction
32443 Shadowfury
29912 Seed of corruption
27297 Tranquility
27304 Mark of the wild
25441 Feedback
785 True fulfillment
27604 Goblin gun (No Mana High DPS)
27648 Thunderfury
27646 Shadow bolt volley
26977 Curse of the elements, reduces resistants
26546 Shadow bolt wave
26540 Starfall
26339 Huge dps no mana attack
26170 Spammable heal
26139 Ground rupture
26126 Alliance reputation
25947 Raises all stats by
25840 Full heal
25812 Toxic volley
25805 Soul curruption
25772 Mind domonance
25749 Stinger spray
25462 Enlarge
25425 Shockwave
25322 Sweeping slam
25260 Wings of dispare
25050 Mark of the flame
25033 Lightning cloud
24910 Corruption of the earth
24843 Summon dragon
24312 Level up (Make bigger forever)
22876 Summon void copy
22865 Summon doomguard
7033 Charm (make w/e ur pet)
17235 Raise undead scarab
260 Charm (make w/e ur minion)
18209 Grow (Works on npcs too)
747 Summon huge ahn’quiraj minion
1302 Immune to damage
8985 Summon fire elemental
17178 + DEF rating
40938 Illdari flames sih damage in a cone
33329 Kills everything around
35354 Kills everything on the map

22479 frost breath enpoderezido
38739 acid breath enpoderezido
39429 fel flamestrike
20547 fun bomb
29607 frostbolt 50000yrds
19777 dark strike
40209 transformacion a nether drake
15495 explosive shot
17153 rend
24241 decapitar

36404 chain felfire

spell 40064 tirar dinamita
spell 36677 chaos breath
spell 38055 infernal rockets
spell 36984 serpent sting 2500 nature damage
spell 200 aprender a usar polearms
spell 40192 phoneix summoned
spell 41371 reflector of pain
spell 32175 stormstrike
spell 32014 arcane burst
spell 23339 wing bullet
spell 22433 flame bullet
spell 33528 frost bullet
spell 36814 mortal wound
spell 30080 wandering plague (debuff)
spell 38901 fire shield
spell 35057 netherbomb
spell 32422 ribbon of souls
spell 30533 void zone
spell 31263 massive pyroblast
spell 34093 artisan riding
spell 26134 rayo mortal
spell 6963 nexus de shadowbolts
spell 40595 fel-acid breath
spell 40481 acidic wound
spell 15991 learn polearms
spell 30798 learn dual-wield
spell 15985 learn two hand axes
spell 15987 learn two hand maces
spell 15983 learn two hand swords
spell 1847 learn one hand swords
spell 15984 learn one hand axes
spell 15992 learn fist weapons
spell 198 learn one hand maces
spell 36342 super rocket launch
spell 26298 firework rocket launcher
spell 20685 storm hammer
spell 38430 storm power
spell 39365 thundering storm
spell 39067 lightning shield
spell 16033 chain lightning
spell 30633 thunder clap
spell 24375 thunder war stomp
spell 35793 enchant mongoose
spell 20034 enchant crusader
spell 17040 master hammersmith
spell 17131 vuelo de dragon
spell 29652 fire hammer
spell 20712 flames breath
spell 36832 incinerate flames
spell 7923 vuelo del dragon
spell 38083 rocket launcher in mydair
spell 35034 arcane missiles
spell 36623 arcane shot
spell 40434 knock away
spell 29426 heroic strike
spell 29572 mortal strike
spell 33709 charge
spell 22422 water knock away
spell 25874 master melee
spell 3631 battle fury
spell 32014 air burst
spell 41375 shadow death
spell 40946 rain of chaos
spell 35874 master melee
spell 36001 master magic dmg
spell 35912 master magic buff
spell 42397 rend flesh
spell 27578 battle shout
spell 11202 crippling poison
spell 35354 hand of death
spell 35181 dive bomb
spell 31961 fire bomb
spell 43427 ice lancef
spell 40633 fel fireball
spell 30971 uber fireball
spell 2583 reflector
spell 35886 windfury
spell 22856 ice lock
spell 24742 magic wings
spell 36819 destructive blast
spell 38285 spore splash
spell 41389 kidney shot
spell 1792 stealth
spell 1833 cheap shot
spell 34614 backstab stealth
spell 42397 rend flesh
spell 38952 frost arrow
spell 20688 fire arrow
spell 38942 frost arrow
spell 38575 toxic spores
spell 41349 arcane charge
spell 8985 summon fire elemental
spell 45067 summon water elemental
spell 16716 launch whee!
spell 17713 critical strike rating
spell 37331 hemorrhage
spell 24575 super strike
spell 28456 gouge
spell 38549 nether infusion
spell 17538 mongoose elixir
spell 6754 slap!! LOL
spell 40728 furious flurry
spell 33232 flurry
spell 19813 knockback
spell 37730 tidal frost wave
spell 24819 lightning wave
spell 39019 shadow wave
spell 37259 hammer of wrath
spell 34214 frost touch
spell 39087 frost attack
spell 39035 frost nova
spell 41482 blizzard
spell 35848 coldflame chance
spell 36881 ice armor
spell 29476 astral armor
spell 24507 shadow resistance
spell 31041 mangle
spell 40157 spirit lance
spell 35958 mana BOOM! bye
spell 23860 holy fire
spell 20694 holy nova
spell 37109 fireball volley
spell 17138 flash heal
spell 24340 meteor
spell 38631 avenger shield
spell 12848 ignite
spell 15088 flurry
spell 12974 flurry talent
spell 37581 thundercleave
spell 30092 blast wave
spell 11542 red streak firework
spell 11541 green firework
spell 26516 large purple cluster
spell 26304 blue cluster
spell 11543 multi color firework
spell 26299 create cluster launcher
spell 44940 love rocket
spell 26352 green rocket
spell 42813 theramore
spell 38777 rock rumble
spell 45153 throw lovely rocket
spell 38147 shadow missiles
spell 7964 smoke bomb
spell 43648 electircal storm
spell 43657 electrical storm
spell 37066 garrote
spell 25033 lightning cloud
spell 41373 power shield
spell 41213 throw shield
spell 29684 shield slam
spell 28614 ponty spike
spell 33564 greater blessing of might
spell 25686 super snowball
spell 33824 launching reaver ball
spell 39844 skyguard bomb
spell 23411 fireball
spell 39878 tidal burst
spell 28438 knockback
spell 40832 flame crash
spell 40100 crashing wave
spell 34571 chilled earth
spell 45133 paper throw
spell 35132 boom
spell 40736 death blast
spell 39835 needle spine
spell 20483 massive destruction
spell 23214 summon charger
spell 10032 uber stealth
spell 24826 infernal fire
spell 41277 comet
spell 41377 spite
spell 40314 spirit volley
spell 41472 divine wrath
spell 42333 throw torch
spell 20476 fun explosion
spell 19780 hand of ragnaros
spel 37036 bomb
spell 20476 explosion
spell 28873 lich slap
spell anti-demon thrower 39222
spell 29425 gouge
spell 40861 wicked beam
spell 40859 sinister beam
spell 31631 green beam
spell 43661 call lightning
spell 11010 o 17131 hover
spell 20059 vengeance
spell 12867 deep wounds
spell 40018 eye blast
spell 8738 mail
spell 40629 acid getsar
spell 35839 drain soul
spell 27103 mana
spell 30832 kidney shot
spell 13048 enrage
spell 25383 spit out


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 20/10/2008

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